Monday, December 14, 2015

Catching up

Grant's third grade class performed a very nice Veteran's Day concert on, you guessed it, Veteran's Day.
Grant is in the center of this picture wearing a white shirt.

Grant isn't the same boy he was at the concert way back on November 11th.  He was a mere eight year old.  As of Sunday, he is now an oh-so-mature-don't-treat-me-like-a-baby nine year old.  Lots of fun celebrating his birthday this past weekend. 

Now that NOvember is over.  I don't see as much of this going on...

But I AM able to see my floor that every toy we own is not spread across it like frosting on a birthday cake. (Did I mention someone had a birthday???) 


Birthday party with friends this past Friday night.

Yup.  Store bought. 
 Being the fourth kid means he's lucky he even GOT a cake!!

A challenge made doubly difficult by having a birthday so close to Christmas!

 Squeezing in a party is a little stressful every year.

They had fun though.  That's what counts.

Company Christmas party was last Saturday. (Lots of fun) (no pictures)
John All-State Audition  was this past Saturday (results tomorrow) (fingers crossed)

Worked on barn all day Sunday (pictures later)

Birthday party with family Sunday night (pictures later)

 how was your weekend??

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