Friday, November 22, 2013

Clinging to Summer

Even in the cold month of November
there drifts through the streets a sound that draws children from the warmth of their homes.
That sound?
The Ice Cream Man

Really, man?

We have had a massive number of stink bugs this year.  Everyone has had trouble with them.
Not sure what's up with that,
but we are more than a bit grossed out by the sheer number of the little bugs.
Poor Grace's room has been their favorite spot.  Each night we check her windows.  Usually there will be two or three clinging to the curtains or glass.  She's been a good sport about it, but I have to agree with her.  I'm ready for them to die this winter!!
In honor of her buggy summer, I bought this board game for her and Grant to play.
It is called Bugs In The Kitchen.
Who makes a game like that?
Worse, yet, who BUYS a game like that??
 Don't answer that.

Here are pictures of Grace and Grant  UNRAKING the yard.

How do you unrake a yard?
I'm glad you asked.
First, buy four hundred acres of trees.
(okay, this step is optional if you can borrow some trees from someone else who owns lots of trees)

Rake and bag roughy twenty four kitchen sized bags of leaves making sure to use all of Mom's trash bags without telling her so she doesn't have one when she needs it next time.

Convince your dad (or some other soft hearted fool) to haul the bags full of leaves back to your own house and store them until the leaves at home begin to fall.

Empty all of the kitchen bags full of leaves beneath your awesome swingset that Mom just finished staining.  Make a giant pile at the bottom of the slide.

Sprinkle a few more on the slide just for good measure (and maybe to irritate your sister a little bit too)


Awesome flip flops huh?
Grant lost his in the pile of leaves.
I pretended to be sad.
Happy Autumn!!!!!

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