Thursday, May 6, 2010

Music Music Everywhere

Here is a clip That was SUPPOSED to be of Emily playing her latest recital piece from her piano book. We obviously don't have recitals since I only have two students, but thought maybe I'd try to share online with the Grandparents or anyone else that cares to listen.

HOWEVER, I messed up recording the piece. THEREFORE, the clip below is her playing a different piece that I was recording just as practice. (apparently, I need more practice) I don't even know the name of the piece she's playing here.

And now, this is her horsing around a few minutes later playing the same piece just a little bit faster. She REALLY likes this particular song. We hear it just about every time she walks past the piano.

John picked a different song too. So I actually DO NOT have either of them playing their recital piece.......I'll try that another day.

Let me know if you have trouble loading or viewing these clips. If it is slow or hard to view, there is no point trying to load any more clips.

I will say these clips will be dark since they were recorded using only the piano light.


  1. John's portion came through great! Emily's started well but just downloaded 3 seconds of viewing of hers! you will get it figured out I am sure!

    Love, Dad

  2. We saw all three with no problems. GREAT JOB KIDS! Maybe you can teach your mom how to play someday. Love, Uncle John

  3. Emily must have some insight as to what kind of piano misic Grandpa likes. Both kids did a great job, THANKS for sharing!

    Love, Dad
