Saturday, December 7, 2013

Skating and Trees

Almost every month of the school year the PTA hosts a family night at the skating rink near the school.  We go to as many of the skating parties as we can. 
Grace and Grant doing the Hokey Pokey....
sans skates.
When the DJ announces "It's time to dance!", the kids run to take their skates off because they don't Hokey very well on wheels.
Once the dancing is done, the skates go back on.
Admission is free for the entire family.  We only have to pay skate rental for those interested.
John likes to go because many of his friends still have younger siblings at the elementary school too. He has a mini class reunion of sorts with his old buddies.
Mom annoying John with my cell phone because he was annoying me first!!

Give it up, John!!
I won't stop until you smile for me.

I haven't convinced him yet that it is okay to smile with braces on.
This is all I get right now.
He goes in January 10 to have surgery done on his jaw.  Surgery is supposed to cut the time of wearing braces by more than half. 

Grant and Grace are both getting pretty good at making it around the rink on their own.
Here's Grant shuffling along.  Dark rink and moving subjects make for blurry pictures.
Sorry about that.

Grace didn't have any clean so she borrowed Emily's t-shirt.
Can you tell?

Christmas tree picking


This is the little one for the kids' playroom.

Our newest lumberjack

Grant was dragging the tree backward, so Grace was giving him directions.
Love their ability to work together.

We purchased a big tree to put in the living room before leaving for Thanksgiving.
We went back to the fruit market to pick it up Friday after Thanksgiving.
They had sold it again to someone else!!
Now there's a good way to keep your business in the black,
well, until disgruntled customers stop buying from you.
trees decorated, santa visited, cookies baked, bread baked, candy made, gifts purchased, lights up outside, cards sent
now if those darn elves would get busy wrapping gifts I would be all set
Probably not these two though.

1 comment:

  1. I also had to convince Matt that smiling with braces was not only acceptable, but recommended. It took him from last October until this summer before he would smile showing his teeth in pictures!!
