Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Grace sitting in carpool line one morning.  We were goofing around waiting our turn in line.

Mr Grant still wearing shorts.
I swear he has no sensory perception of cold and hot.  He runs around in t-shirts and shorts and barefoot even when the temperatures outside are pushing the mid-fifties!! Brrrrrrrr.  He cries if I make him come in to get dressed or put on shoes.

Pictures from the Halloween party at kindergarten.  I helped with this party.  I always volunteer to do the Halloween one.  It seems the easiest to plan since there's costumes and candy already involved.

There are eleven boys and three girls in Grace's kindergarten class.
It makes for a loud and rowdy time.  We tried to plan activites that had them all up and moving...

like pin the tail on the donkey.

When things got a little too wild, we stopped for a Halloween story break......
No, that is not me wearing the witch's hat reading to the class.

See all the boys????  Where are the princesses??

Grace after class that day with Ms. Michelle, Ms. Lisa and Ms. Jackie.  Ms. Jackie is her primary teacher.  The other two are teacher's aides.  How great is that to have three adults and only fourteen kids?

Figured I'd better post Halloween pictures before Thanksgiving gets here.  Maybe I won't look so far behind that way.

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