Monday, November 29, 2010

stuff that doesn't really go together but I put together anyway - so very non-"type A" of me

No, Grant did not spell his name with his matchbox cars.

I did that for him.  He did have them sorted by himself.

Look what David got me for my birthday!!!

.....and I didn't even know I needed one.

He's pretty nice like know....always sacrificing his needs to ensure members of his family have the things they need....

like three wheelers 

The story is that he was on a business trip and saw this along the road for sale and it kept yelling at him "buy me, buy me".....or something like that. 

sounds pretty questionable, huh Grant?

David playing with his camera at the farm...

He's got a remote for the camera he was playing with.

Adolescence in full bloom.
                                 Look at the hand here!

She's growing up right before our eyes.
What a good kid.  I don't tell her that often enough.

These guys are pretty good too
sometimes I think they look more like twins than the actual twins do

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