Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fire, Fire!!

  Look what we found at Wal-Mart today.......

We pulled into the parking lot and there happened to be a firetruck sitting there from the local station.  I guess firefighters need groceries too!  They do this a lot here.  They'll park the truck and go to a fast food restaurant to eat somedays.  You'll see them parked at YuckDonalds or Arby's close to our house.

Anyway, I was in no hurry so we got out and walked around looking at the firetruck up close and personal.  They were very excited.  Grant asks me at least once every day to draw him a firetruck.  He goes through the whole list of what has to be on the picture.....big tires, hose, ladder, headlights, lights on top, driver with hat, nozzles, and doors.  He LOVES fire trucks. Both of them wanted to see and touch (we didn't) all the hoses and levers and dials on the REAL firetruck.


To make a good situation even better, while we were looking at the truck the firemen came out of Wal-Mart ready to leave.  They opened the cab and let the kids climb in and sit in their seats.  They also turned on the lights for them to see.  Both kids were in awe.  They thought it was wonderful. 

I didn't take pictures of them in the cab.  I didn't want to impose any on the guys' time.  I thought it was so nice of them to take time for the kids in the first place.


So that was our unexpected fun for the day.  You never know what extraordinary things you may find among the ordinary things of life.

Good night!!  I've got to get kids ready for bed.

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