Thursday, February 20, 2014


Contrary to the sentiment of the previous post, there is no more than the usual amount of unrest among the zoo animals and zookeepers here at the zoo.

Just thought I would say those things while our older two are still listening to us!
We're proud of them.

Sorry for the sentimental mush.  Blame the weather!!!
I'll get back to regular blogging now! :-)

Emily took these pictures at the farm a few weeks ago before the snow began falling.
She did very well in my humble opinion.

She took this one of the goats.  They have worn a path from the pasture to Ronnie's house.  They visit him daily to say hi and see if he has anything for them to eat.  Then they wander back to the pasture.  Our great cattle fence is obviously no match for the goats.

I laughed when someone told David how to check a fence to see if it would hold a goat.
Throw a bucket of water at a fence.  If the water can go through, so can a goat.
Wise words based on my limited experience.

Happy Thursday!
Stay safe if you are in the line of these massive storms today!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics E! You obviously take after your favorite oldest cousin with your photography skills...or maybe your mom or Uncle John I suppose ;-)
