Monday, October 18, 2010

On your mark

Riders, on your markget set


Tonight we loaded up the kids and went to a state park just down the road.  The park has a really nice BMX track that John has been asking to ride on for the past couple years.

I've tried a few times to get him there, but something always went wrong....

the track would be busy or I would run out of time or something

tonight, it just happened to work out that we got to go

The two big kids rode several laps around the track

made a few new friends along the way

learned that gravity can be unforgiving at times

and generally had a good time

even Dad got in on the action by taking a lap

The two younger ones stood to the side and cheered on their siblings and their dad.

When all were done riding, Team Shupe loaded up and headed for home and a late dinner of PBJ.
Finish up homework and off to bed.

Speaking of off to bed, I think I will.

Good night.

Is this Grace and Grant fighting over who gets in the car first?
It's them working together to pull the handle and open the door. 
He hangs on to the handle and stands on the runnigboard.
She pulls on him.

Teamwork at its finest!


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